Recently, the Jakarta outlet of Zoomlion was bustling with activity. Units of ZE215E excavators lined up neatly and were delivered in bulk to Indonesian customers. These are the first batch of products delivered from an order of 300 ZE215E excavators. Such a large order of the same model is a testament to the high recognition of Zoomlion by local customers!
这次交付的ZE215E挖掘机堪称东南亚市场的明星产品,澎湃动力、高效节能、维护便捷,凭借这三大核心优势持续领跑市场。而且针对印尼当地气候和作业工况,整机在耐高温、防沙尘、防水等方面都做了针对性设计,完全贴合客户需求,还能实现 “一站式” 保养,设备出勤率有保障!
The ZE215E excavators delivered this time are veritable star products in the Southeast Asian market. With three core advantages of strong power, high energy efficiency, and convenient maintenance, they have continuously led the market. Moreover, in response to the local climate and working conditions in Indonesia, the entire machine has been specifically designed in aspects like high-temperature resistance, dust and water protection, fully meeting the needs of customers. It can also achieve "one-stop" maintenance, ensuring the equipment's attendance rate!
In recent years, Zoomlion has been constantly expanding its presence in the Southeast Asian market. It has deployed nearly 30 outlets in Indonesia, which are equipped with various functions such as office functions, exhibition functions, storage, and service. With the improvement of layout and deepening of localization, its products are extremely popular in the local area. Currently, Zoomlion's market share in lifting machinery, concrete machinery, and aerial work machinery ranks first in the industry in the Indonesian market, and the growth rate of its earth-moving machinery and mining machinery has led the industry for many years.