


Before starting the introduction, let's show off some beautiful photos first.

不久前,9 位平均年龄 60 岁的中国时髦姐姐,身着新中式礼服,在意大利罗马举办的中意时装周上惊艳走秀,赢得了广泛赞誉。
Not long ago, nine stylish Chinese ladies, with an average age of 60, made a stunning catwalk appearance in new Chinese - style dresses at the China - Italy Fashion Week held in Rome, Italy, winning widespread acclaim.

“我的衣服是一件黄色的马甲,充满了中国传统文化的韵味。”“我的衣服上有龙凤图案,我就想把它的韵味展现出来。” 姐姐们还身着马面裙、交领衫、明制比甲,出现在罗马街头和当地景点,吸引了众多路人上前围观合影。
"My outfit is a yellow waistcoat, which is full of the charm of traditional Chinese culture." "My dress has the pattern of the dragon and the phoenix, and I just want to show its charm." The ladies also appeared on the streets of Rome and at local scenic spots, wearing horse - face skirts, cross - collar shirts and waistcoats in the style of the Ming Dynasty, attracting many passers - by to come up and take photos with them.

这群漂亮的姐姐们热爱表演、艺术和追求美丽。她们中有的刚从工作岗位退休,有的此前一直忙于照料家庭,还有的想要继续追寻年轻时的梦想。她们从模特教室走向当地社区,又登上了 2023 年上海时装周的 T 台,还前往横店 “翻拍” 了《甄嬛传》片段,视频收获了百万点击量。岁月从不败美人,这群中国时髦姐姐们说,只要心态年轻,人生就有无限可能。
These beautiful ladies are passionate about performing, art, and pursuing beauty. Some of them have just retired from their jobs, some were previously busy taking care of their families, and some want to continue chasing the dreams they had when they were young. They moved from the model classroom to the local community, then stepped onto the runway of the Shanghai Fashion Week in 2023. They also went to Hengdian to "remake" scenes from Empresses in the Palace, and the videos received millions of views. Time never defeats beauty. This group of stylish Chinese ladies said that as long as one has a young - minded attitude, there are infinite possibilities in life.

【Author:】 【Editor:谈诗谊】