2024互联网岳麓峰会近日在长沙举行。现场举行了重大项目签约仪式,其中就包括国际天然纤维组织总部项目。为什么长沙能得到这个知名组织的青睐,我们独家采访了出席签约仪式的国际天然纤维组织秘书长Dilipkumar Tambyrajah(中文名:迪力普.塔拜拉杰)及中国农业科学院麻类研究所所长杨永坤。听听他们怎么说!
At the recently-concluded Internet Yuelu Summit 2024, the major project signing ceremony took place on-site, which included the International Natural Fiber Organization(INFO) headquarters’ project. Why did Changsha win the favor of this prestigious organization? We conducted an exclusive interview with Dilipkumar Tambyrajah, Secretary-General of INFO, and Yang Yongkun, Director of the Institute of Bast Fiber Crops of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Let's check out their insights on this project!